Exploring the Bible

In association with
Exploring The Bible radio program 

Exploring and discovering the riches of wisdom found in the Bible and sharing the good news of the kingdom of God and the name of Jesus Christ.

Thank you for visiting Exploring the Bible

This website is dedicated to promoting the Bible - the Word of God.
There is no book like the Bible, which will prove itself to be true for people who spend time exploring it.
If you read it you will find out for yourself. 
Radio Programs

Listen to a selection of archived radio programs designed to encourage you to get more familiar with the Bible message.


A selection of articles on interesting Bible topics designed to encourage your interest in reading the  Bible. 

Zoom Group

You are welcome to join the Zoom Bible Study Group on Monday evenings as we explore the word of God together.

Exploring the Bible radio program collections

Click on the links below to the collections of ETB radio programs

The latest programs are frequently added to this page.

A selection of program groups with themed content.

A selection of programs with a focus on the Lord Jesus Christ.

A set of eight radio programs exploring the Lords Prayer