Explore the Lords Prayer

What is the Lords Prayer based on and what can it teach us?
Eight radio programs exploring Bible connections to the expressions in the Lords prayer which help us embrace the depth and beauty of the words the Lord chose when he taught his disciples to pray.

The Lords Prtayer
1: Our Father
What does it mean for us to call God our Father?

Prayer to God
2: Who is in heaven
Heaven is the throne of God and the Earth His footstool.

Hallow God's Name
3: Hallowed be your name
What is God's name we should honour?

God's kingdom is coming
4: Your kingdom come
What is the kingdom Jesus wants to come?

We depend on God
1: Give us our daily bread. 
What does it mean for us to call God our Father?

2: Forgive us as we forgive.
Is the grace of God's  forgiveness conditional?

Father keep us from temptation
3: Keep us from temptation.
Can we rely on God's help when we are in trouble?

The Kingdom of God
4: Yours is the kingdom.
Ultimate dominion belongs  to the ultimate God.