The Name Above Every Name


A selection of archived radio programs with a focus on the Lord Jesus Christ
(More coming soon)

The programs on this page are dedicated to exploring the treasures in the scriptures of God, concerning what He wants us know and understand about His son, the Lord Jesus Christ. May you be blessed as I have been by exploring the Bible message about the man with the name above every name. To him every knee will bow to when he comes.
"To me, the very least of all the saints, this grace was given to preach this good news among the gentiles... the immeasurable riches of the Messiah". The Apostle Paul to the Ephesians 3:8 

  • Jesus is coming
    What will Jesus do when he appears?
    The inhabitants of world have never experienced anything like  what is coming. It's a wise decision to be getting ready.
  • We need Jesus
    How much do we need Jesus?
    It is the will of God that we come to realise the authority over our lives belongs to Jesus.
  • Talking to Jesus
    Developing a relationship with Jesus
    Moving from unbelief into a life in Jesus Christ is more valuable than anything we can imagine. .
  • Secrets of Jesus
    God has hidden secrets about Jesus
    Jesus said, "ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and it will be opened to you
Jesus in the letter to the Hebrews - 4 programs.
Building a relationship with the Lord Jesus.
Encouraging people to build a relationship with the Lord Jesus.

The writer of Hebrews leads with an introduction to Jesus.

God shows us what He is like, by creating a unique son.
God shows us what He is like, by creating a unique son.

The Lord Jesus manifests the perfect character of his Father.

Jesus is Lord of the whole creation.
God gives Jesus authority to be Lord of the whole creation.

God has created the earth and its inhabitants for His son.

The treasures of wisdom and knowledge in Jesus Christ
The treasures of wisdom and knowledge in Jesus Christ

The only way God has given to come to Him is the Lord Jesus.